Course & Program Details
Canine Massage Certification
We offer all the education you'll need to become a qualified, competent, and experienced canine massage practitioner.
Continuing Education
Expand your existing skill set and fulfill your CE requirements with our variety of online courses and hands-on workshops.
Personal Enrichment
No need to be a canine professional to take our courses! All you need is a love for dogs and a willingness to learn new skills.
Take the path to greater learning
Canis Bodyworks Course Descriptions
Starting your Journey
Trust & Relationship-Building with Dogs
Canine Massage Fundamentals
The "basics" are so much more than basic...
Effective canine massage involves much more than applying massage techniques to the body. In addition to learning the techniques, participants learn the essential skills of palpation, which include understanding the basics of skeletal anatomy and an introduction to muscle structure, proper body mechanics, and how to engage your “thinking fingers” in order to assess the dog’s body. Participants will also learn how to use proper documentation to record massage sessions.
By the end of this two-part course, participants will have gained the tools necessary to provide a dog with an effective and safe massage to promote relaxation and wellness.
The Physical Dog
The essentials of canine anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, and gait...
Understanding how a dog is put together and moves their body provides valuable insight into the dog’s health and well-being. Knowing what’s “normal” is essential in order to detect when something is not quite right.
In Part 1 of this course, students learn the structures and functions of each of the dog's body systems, as well as how massage benefits each system.
1-on-1 Hands-On Training
Scheduling doesn't always work the way we hope it will. We understand how frustrating and deflating it can feel to not be able to attend a required workshop because of scheduling obstacles. If you find you can't make a weekend workshop you really want to take, or that the posted dates for the Mentorship Program aren't possible because of scheduling conflicts, or if you just want some additional 1-on-1 time with an instructor to review massage techniques and other class content, then this custom training session is for you!
Interested in this opportunity at another Canis Bodyworks location? Let us know by contacting
Customize your canine massage learning experience by scheduling 1-on-1 time with a Canis Bodyworks instructor. You can spend the time learning new techniques or reviewing any content of your choice. Your instructor will guide you and provide feedback to meet your specific goals and needs. Training includes instructor follow up by email, phone, or Zoom.
One-on-one training sessions are conducted in either a 4-hour half day format or an 8-hour full day format and are currently available in Chicago, IL.
Cost = $400 per 4-hour half day / $800 per 8-hour full day
(*Cost covers time with an instructor. Additional fees may be required for coursework not already purchased.)
(*Cost covers time with an instructor. Additional fees may be required for coursework not already purchased.)
Contact Denise to discuss your learning goals and to schedule your session:
Interested in this opportunity at another Canis Bodyworks location? Let us know by contacting
Advanced Massage Techniques
Lymphatic Massage: The Common Denominator
This advanced technique is universally beneficial for dogs...
In this advanced workshop, participants learn specific lymphatic massage techniques that can be used after deep tissue work to help clear metabolic wastes from the body; after surgery or injury to reduce swelling; and during palliative and hospice care to help sick and convalescing dogs by boosting the immune system and clearing out toxins, which when accumulated can cause nausea, fatigue, and pain. These techniques are gentle, nuanced, and effective, and the relaxation effects are profound. Lymphatic massage can truly be used in just about every situation and in every session with a dog, making it the common denominator in canine massage.
Post-workshop case studies will be assigned to each student: Participants are required to choose 2 dogs and meet for 3 sessions with each, complete a thorough client intake, and record proper SOAP documentation to practice what they have learned in this specific course.
2 Day Workshop - 24 Hours - $550
Post-workshop case studies will be assigned to each student: Participants are required to choose 2 dogs and meet for 3 sessions with each, complete a thorough client intake, and record proper SOAP documentation to practice what they have learned in this specific course.
2 Day Workshop - 24 Hours - $550
Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy & Orthopedic Friction
Advanced techniques that are game changers in this work...
Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy is the precursor to using Orthopedic Friction techniques. Many times, practitioners working with soft tissue fail to apply techniques to address tendons, ligaments, and fascial attachment sites. Orthopedic friction is often the missing link. This form of soft tissue manipulation improves connective tissue mobility, breaks down and realigns scar tissue, and deactivates myofascial trigger points in ligaments and periosteum attachments of tendons.
Post-workshop case studies will be assigned to each student: Participants are required to choose 2 dogs and meet for 3 sessions with each, complete a thorough client intake, and record proper SOAP documentation to practice what they have learned in this specific course.
3 Day Workshop - 32 Hours - $750
Myofascial trigger point therapy is one of the most effective soft tissue treatments for reducing and eliminating musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction in both humans and dogs. Many dogs that present with on-and-off lameness along with chronic dysfunction or limited mobility very often suffer from myofascial trigger points. Trigger points initiate a downward spiral that begins with limited range of motion and inhibited muscle contractibility; they are often responsible for a multitude of issues, including ischemia in the tissues, referred pain patterns, nerve impingement, and limited joint movement which adds to degenerative changes within the joints.
Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy is the precursor to using Orthopedic Friction techniques. Many times, practitioners working with soft tissue fail to apply techniques to address tendons, ligaments, and fascial attachment sites. Orthopedic friction is often the missing link. This form of soft tissue manipulation improves connective tissue mobility, breaks down and realigns scar tissue, and deactivates myofascial trigger points in ligaments and periosteum attachments of tendons.
Post-workshop case studies will be assigned to each student: Participants are required to choose 2 dogs and meet for 3 sessions with each, complete a thorough client intake, and record proper SOAP documentation to practice what they have learned in this specific course.
3 Day Workshop - 32 Hours - $750
1-on-1 Hands On-Training
Scheduling doesn't always work the way we hope it will. We understand how frustrating and deflating it can feel to not be able to attend a required workshop because of scheduling obstacles. If you find you can't make a weekend workshop you really want to take, or that the posted dates for the Mentorship Program aren't possible because of scheduling conflicts, or if you just want some additional 1-on-1 time with an instructor to review massage techniques and other class content, then this custom training session is for you!
One-on-one training sessions are conducted in either a 4-hour half day format or an 8-hour full day format and are currently available in Chicago, IL.
Cost = $400 per 4-hour half day / $800 per 8-hour full day
(*Cost covers time with an instructor. Additional fees may be required for coursework not already purchased.)
Contact Denise to discuss your learning goals and to schedule your session:
Interested in this opportunity at another Canis Bodyworks location? Let us know by contacting
Customize your canine massage learning experience by scheduling 1-on-1 time with a Canis Bodyworks instructor. You can spend the time learning new techniques or reviewing any content of your choice. Your instructor will guide you and provide feedback to meet your specific goals and needs. Training includes instructor follow up by email, phone, or Zoom.
One-on-one training sessions are conducted in either a 4-hour half day format or an 8-hour full day format and are currently available in Chicago, IL.
Cost = $400 per 4-hour half day / $800 per 8-hour full day
(*Cost covers time with an instructor. Additional fees may be required for coursework not already purchased.)
Contact Denise to discuss your learning goals and to schedule your session:
Interested in this opportunity at another Canis Bodyworks location? Let us know by contacting
Learn From Home
Case Study Practicum
Putting it all together...
Dogs are our best teachers. Hands-on experience is the most valuable part of any canine massage therapy education. This case study practicum is ideal for the canine massage practitioner who wishes to acquire intensive, hands-on experience in the field while receiving individualized guidance and feedback from a Canis Bodyworks instructor.
Participants are required to choose 4 dogs and meet for 5 sessions with each, complete a thorough client intake, and record proper SOAP documentation.
Canine First Aid Concepts & Pathology
This online course is ideal for anyone with an interest in learning or reviewing the key concepts of canine first aid as well as understanding the fundamental principles of canine pathology.
Students working toward national certification in canine massage are encouraged to take this class as it contains information that will help during preparation for the national certification exam. Topics include common canine pathogens, modes of transmission, the chain of infection, inflammatory response, the lymphatic system, contraindications, and standard precautions.
Students working toward national certification in canine massage are encouraged to take this class as it contains information that will help during preparation for the national certification exam. Topics include common canine pathogens, modes of transmission, the chain of infection, inflammatory response, the lymphatic system, contraindications, and standard precautions.
Business of Canine Massage & Bodywork
The nuts and bolts of a business in bodywork...
The number one question we hear about the business of canine massage therapy and bodywork is “how do I market and sell my services effectively?” This workshop is intended to address the business skills and unique marketing strategies required for starting and growing a business.
Here, you will learn insights into the pet care industry, the nuances of building a private practice, and how you can use this work across a variety of pet care fields. In addition, participants learn communication skills and how to effectively work with pet parents and other pet professionals.
Here, you will learn insights into the pet care industry, the nuances of building a private practice, and how you can use this work across a variety of pet care fields. In addition, participants learn communication skills and how to effectively work with pet parents and other pet professionals.
Continuing Education & Personal Enrichment
Continuing Education & Personal Enrichment
Canine Massage 101: Techniques for Wellness
Learn to Massage Your Dog at Home!
Spend special time with your dog by learning at-home canine massage techniques that will help your dog relax, reduce soreness and pain, and increase the strong bond you already share.
In this online course, you will learn how to touch and handle your dog respectfully, which areas of your dog's body are extra sensitive and should be handled gently, how to recognize common signs of discomfort and pain, and how to read your dog's body language. You'll even learn some essential anatomy so you know exactly what muscle groups and bones your hands are touching beneath the fur and skin.
The massage techniques you learn in this course are powerful and are some of the same ones used by the most skilled professional therapists in the field. Massage is a perfect adjunct for at-home care, and it's an effective tool for prevention and early detection of health changes. Your dog will love it and love you for it!
Spend special time with your dog by learning at-home canine massage techniques that will help your dog relax, reduce soreness and pain, and increase the strong bond you already share.
In this online course, you will learn how to touch and handle your dog respectfully, which areas of your dog's body are extra sensitive and should be handled gently, how to recognize common signs of discomfort and pain, and how to read your dog's body language. You'll even learn some essential anatomy so you know exactly what muscle groups and bones your hands are touching beneath the fur and skin.
The massage techniques you learn in this course are powerful and are some of the same ones used by the most skilled professional therapists in the field. Massage is a perfect adjunct for at-home care, and it's an effective tool for prevention and early detection of health changes. Your dog will love it and love you for it!
Canine Palliative/Hospice Care & Oncology Massage
Continuing Education and Personal Enrichment:
How can we best support our canine companions when they are at their most vulnerable: during and after cancer, chronic illness, or injury, and at the end of life? In this online course, students learn approaches to palliative and hospice care that complement the care provided by a veterinarian.
Students also receive an overview of canine cancer and learn how massage and bodywork may help as an adjunct therapy. A blend of theory and hands-on practice, this course covers topics such as the unique needs of the palliative and hospice client, cancer myths and types of canine cancer, and guidelines for working with cancer patients as well as with patients who have other health-related conditions that require palliative and/or hospice care.
Additionally, students learn about pet parent education and empowerment and working with other caregivers. Special emphasis will be placed on learning safe and effective bodywork techniques that can be used by pet professionals and pet parents alike.
Prerequisites: None
*NBCAAM approved for 8 hours
Students also receive an overview of canine cancer and learn how massage and bodywork may help as an adjunct therapy. A blend of theory and hands-on practice, this course covers topics such as the unique needs of the palliative and hospice client, cancer myths and types of canine cancer, and guidelines for working with cancer patients as well as with patients who have other health-related conditions that require palliative and/or hospice care.
Additionally, students learn about pet parent education and empowerment and working with other caregivers. Special emphasis will be placed on learning safe and effective bodywork techniques that can be used by pet professionals and pet parents alike.
Prerequisites: None
*NBCAAM approved for 8 hours
Applied Acupressure Fundamentals
Continuing Education and Personal Enrichment:
Prerequisites: None
*RACE approved for 16 hours / NBCAAM approved for 16 hours - $450
Acupressure, a bodywork technique based in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is a non-invasive approach to preventive care and pain management. Providing acupressure to your own dog and to the dogs in your care will allow you to play an important role in their overall mental and physical health and well-being. Acupressure can be used alone or combined with other modalities and is ideal for any dog at any stage of life.
This 2-day workshop will provide you with the basic tools to immediately give the dogs in your care a simple, but effective, acupressure session using points that deliver a boost to the immune system and specifically focus on musculoskeletal soreness, calming, and overall relaxation and comfort care.
This 2-day workshop will provide you with the basic tools to immediately give the dogs in your care a simple, but effective, acupressure session using points that deliver a boost to the immune system and specifically focus on musculoskeletal soreness, calming, and overall relaxation and comfort care.
Prerequisites: None
*RACE approved for 16 hours / NBCAAM approved for 16 hours - $450
Sports Massage & Fitness for the Active Dog
Continuing Education and Personal Enrichment:
In this online course, students learn the important components of canine fitness, which include learning basic canine structure, understanding how to gauge the ability level of each dog, and knowing how to recognize pain and fatigue. Demonstration videos focus on essential exercises for strength, endurance, and flexibility. Students also learn the safe approach to stretching dogs as well as sports massage techniques appropriate for dogs of every ability. Techniques learned will ensure proper preparation before activity and adequate recovery after activity to enhance flexibility, reduce soreness, improve joint range of motion, and prevent injury.
Prerequisites: None
*NBCAAM approved for 6 hours
In this online course, students learn the important components of canine fitness, which include learning basic canine structure, understanding how to gauge the ability level of each dog, and knowing how to recognize pain and fatigue. Demonstration videos focus on essential exercises for strength, endurance, and flexibility. Students also learn the safe approach to stretching dogs as well as sports massage techniques appropriate for dogs of every ability. Techniques learned will ensure proper preparation before activity and adequate recovery after activity to enhance flexibility, reduce soreness, improve joint range of motion, and prevent injury.
Prerequisites: None
*NBCAAM approved for 6 hours
Recommended Path for Certification
Recommended Path for Certification
Intro: NBCAAM Certification & Program Cost
By taking the following Canis Bodyworks courses, you will meet all NBCAAM Canine Massage Certification Exam Requirements:
Step 1: Foundation Courses
Enroll in all the following prerequisite courses (in the following order) to progress to Step 2:
Step 2: Case Study Practicum (Online Only)
Practice what you learned in the Foundation courses by taking the Case Study Practicum to solidify the essentials. We have generally witnessed better success and understanding with students who complete the Case Study Practicum at this stage.
You are eligible to take the Case Study Practicum after completing Canine Massage Fundamentals, but we recommend that you wait to take it until after The Physical Dog, which will better prepare you for the hands-on work you'll be doing.
You will have 6 months to complete this 30-hour Case Study Practicum. These sessions do not count toward the Advanced Courses case study requirements, as explained in Step 3.
The Case Study Practicum fee is $300.
You are eligible to take the Case Study Practicum after completing Canine Massage Fundamentals, but we recommend that you wait to take it until after The Physical Dog, which will better prepare you for the hands-on work you'll be doing.
You will have 6 months to complete this 30-hour Case Study Practicum. These sessions do not count toward the Advanced Courses case study requirements, as explained in Step 3.
The Case Study Practicum fee is $300.
Step 3: Advanced Courses
Step 4: Final Courses (Online Only)
These are the last 2 courses required to become eligible for taking the NBCAAM Certification Exam! You can take these at any time during the program. As these courses are not prerequisites for each other, you can choose which to take first before continuing to the next:
Getting NBCAAM Certified
Canis Bodyworks is an NBCAAM Member School & Approved CE Provider.
Once you have received all coursework certificates from Canis Bodywork, you can apply to take the NBCAAM Certification exam. You will be given details on exam preparation, application processing, expectations, and more in the Business of Massage & Bodywork Live Webinar. You can also contact us at for more exam information.
All Canis Bodyworks instructors are NBCAAM-certified professionals and are always available to answer any questions you have during this process!
Once you have received all coursework certificates from Canis Bodywork, you can apply to take the NBCAAM Certification exam. You will be given details on exam preparation, application processing, expectations, and more in the Business of Massage & Bodywork Live Webinar. You can also contact us at for more exam information.
All Canis Bodyworks instructors are NBCAAM-certified professionals and are always available to answer any questions you have during this process!
CE: Continuing Education
Once certified, NBCAAM will require Continuing Education to maintain your membership status. Most Canis Bodyworks courses qualify as CEs approved for NBCAAM. Many of our courses are also approved for RACE CE hours and NCBTMB CE hours. So, don't forget to check out our Special Interest Courses!
A Condensed and Intensive Approach to Certification
A Condensed and Intensive Approach to Certification
Where We Teach
Chicagoland, IL
Our Illinois-based workshops take place at K9 Therapy Massage in Villa Park, IL
St. Louis, MO
Our St. Louis-based workshops are located at The Academy of Pet Careers in St. Charles, MO
Our Virginia workshops take place at Hattingh Equine Rescue & Rehab in Purcellville, VA
Ontario, Canada
Our Canada-based workshops are located at the Animal Massage & Movement Education Centre in Frankville, Ontario
2025 Workshop Dates & Locations
Trust & Relationship-Building with Dogs, Part 2
Canine Massage Fundamentals, Part 2
Lymphatic Massage: The Common Denominator
Business of Canine Massage & Bodywork
Live Zoom Webinar Only
Mentorship Program